Groin pain, a discomfort felt in the crease where your inner thigh meets your abdomen, can significantly impact your daily activities and athletic performance. While often associated with athletes, groin pain can affect anyone and can arise from various underlying causes. Common Causes of Groin Pain: Muscle Strains: Overuse or sudden forceful movements can strain the muscles in the groin area, leading to pain, tenderness, and difficulty moving. Groin Pulls: These are more severe muscle strains that involve tearing of muscle fibers. Adductor Tendinopathy: This condition involves inflammation or degeneration of the tendons that connect the adductor muscles (inner thigh muscles) to the pubic bone. Sports Hernia: This refers to a group of injuries in the groin area that cause pain, particularly during physical activity. Inguinal Hernia: This occurs when a portion of the intestine protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal wall....