Elbow arthroscopy is an orthopaedic procedure that helps in the inspection, diagnosis and repairing of problems related to the joints of your elbow. Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that involves making small incisions and inserting an arthroscope to look inside your joints. An arthroscope is a pencil sized medical instrument having a source of light and a tiny camera attached to one of its end, that helps to look inside your joints.
Why is Elbow Arthroscopy Required?
Arthroscopic intervention of your elbow might be required if your orthopaedist observes any abnormal conditions related to it. There are many reasons that can call for an elbow arthroscopy which include:
• Presence of pieces of degenerated cartilage in the joint space of elbows.
• Inflammation in the elbow
• Trauma
• Stiffness of joints
• Tendon damage
• Osteoarthritis
• Rheumatoid Arthritis that causes inflammation
• Injuries caused due to excessive stretching of your elbow beyond its limit
• Cartilage tears
• Lateral Epicondylitis – Also known as tennis elbow, where the tendons on the outer parts become inflamed at the lateral epicondyle (bony prominence) of your elbow.
• Ligament damage or tear
• Instability of your elbow joint
• Fractures
• Osteochondritis dissecans which damages the capitellum part of the humerus (bone in the arm) that is common injury for throwers and gymnasts
• Presence of bone spurs around the joints of your elbow
Any traumatic injuries or other damages to your elbow can create stiffness in the joint. People with such health condition, experience a lot of pain while performing any activities with their elbow. At such times, the Best Orthopaedic Surgeon in Delhi NCR may ask you to go for an elbow arthroscopy. An arthroscopy can release a stiff and contracted elbow more efficiently. However, health disorders like arthritis cannot be cured with arthroscopy. It acts as palliative for such kind of disorders.
Methods of Elbow Arthroscopy
Arthroscopy begins by filling up elbow joints with a fluid. Tiny incisions are made around elbows to get access to your joints. An arthroscope is passed through one of these incisions. It contains a fibre-optic camera in its inserted end. The fluid is helpful in giving a clear view of the internal structure, on the camera. It is also helpful to prevent bleeding. The lens of the camera is designed in such a way that it is useful to magnify internal smaller structures of the elbow and display them on the monitor screen. This view allows your orthopaedic surgeon in noida to accurately diagnose the deformities present in your elbows.
Patients must discuss with their respective doctors if they have any difficulty in understanding any point related to elbow arthroscopy. If you are facing any of these indications then consult orthopaedician as soon as possible.
Consult Dr. AK Sharma, the best arthroscopy surgeon in Delhi-NCR. You will be guided in detail about the whole procedure and will experience the best services ever.
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