We generally think that our physical and mental health are separate, but the truth is opposite. In fact, our brain health and orthopaedic health connected more than we can even realize. This is because the brain plays a critical role in controlling the movements of our body and it also include the movements of our joints, our bones, and our muscles.
It means, when the damage or an injury
happens to the brain then it can affect the physical mobility, the balance of
the body, as well as the coordination.
Similarly, the best orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi NCR says that the orthopaedic
injuries can also impact the brain functioning? Therefore, the chronic pain can
lead to the changes in the chemistry, structure, and function of the brain. And,
all these changes in brain can affect the mood, behaviour, and also the cognitive
function. In fact, it can also lead the person to depression or anxiety.
That means, maintaining a healthy brain is
important, if you want to prevent and manage your orthopaedic conditions. Let’s
talk about a few tips that can help you with improving your brain and
orthopaedic health.
Stay Physically Active –
Regular exercise has always been
recommended by all the doctors in the World as it is beneficial for both brain
and orthopaedic health. In fact, regular exercise can improve the cognition
along with the balance and muscle strength which eventually reduces the risk of
falls and fractures.
However, when bones and muscles are
stimulated with regular exercise then it increases the levels of important neurotransmitters
in the brain which is effective in reducing the risk of dementia as well.
Eat A Healthy Diet –
According to the best orthopaedic surgeon in Noida, along with doing regular
exercise, having a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean
protein can provide your body with all the nutrients which are for essential
for the brain as well as for the orthopaedic health.
Manage stress –
If you’re having chronic stress on a
regular basis then it can affect both the brain and the orthopaedic health. So,
it’s important that if you’re stressed at all the times, then you find the ways
to manage stress such as through meditation, yoga, or the mindfulness.
Get Enough Sleep
Having a good sleep is again very important
for brain health and orthopaedic health because adequate amount of sleep can
improve the cognitive function while reducing the chronic pain and enhancing
the recovery from injuries because repair of the brain cells and body cells
can’t happen unless we are asleep.
However, in some cases, people may have
some sort of depression and anxiety issues and they may want to seek
professional help of doctors for right therapy and medication so that they can
deal with the symptoms of depression or anxiety. So, if you’re also dealing
with the same, don’t be afraid to get help from professionals.
Book an appointment – Dr A K Sharma - bestorthopaedic doctor in Noida, if you need help in regards to your
orthopaedic health.
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